


  • 片名:鼹鼠之歌完结篇
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:生田斗真/堤真一/仲里依纱/吹越满/远藤宪一/皆川猿时/岩城滉一/菜菜绪/冈村隆史/铃木亮平/泷泽凯伦/Karen/Takizawa/
  • 导演:三池崇史/
  • 年份:2021
  • 地区:日本
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2021-11-19
  • 语言:日语
  • 更新:2023-07-06 15:14
  • 简介:  Nipple-targeting seagulls. Old men rapping in a bathhouse. Drugs smuggled as Italian pasta. Welcome back to The Mole Song’s world. The third and final part of this series of manga adaptations, by IFFR regular Miike Takashi, is once again loaded with delicious madness.  Following Undercover Agent Reiji (IFFR 2014) and Hong Kong Capriccio (IFFR 2017), this time the enemy are Italian mafia smuggling their ‘speed-a-roni’ into Yokohama’s port. Yakuza boss Papilon, fearing for his business, wants to stop them from entering, and so do the Japanese cops: Reiji works for both as an undercover agent. All these complications this give cult director Miike a playground for crazed subplots.  At times fooling us into thinking it’s an ordinary action thriller, The Mole Song: Final is a cocktail that smashes together slapstick comedy, farcical fantasy and puppet animation, with Reiji – played again by the energetic and engaging Ikuta Toma - always at the centre of the tornado that just keeps on spinning.
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演员:生田斗真,堤真一,仲里依纱,吹越满,远藤宪一,皆川猿时,岩城滉一,菜菜绪,冈村隆史,铃木亮平,泷泽凯伦 Karen Takizawa

更新时间:2023-07-06 15:14




  Nipple-targeting seagulls. Old men rapping in a bathhouse. Drugs smuggled as Italian pasta. Welcome back to The Mole Song’s world. The third and final part of this series of manga adaptations, by IFFR regular Miike Takashi, is once again loaded with delicious madness.  Following Undercover Agent Reiji (IFFR 2014) and Hong Kong Capriccio (IFFR 2017), this time the enemy are Italian mafia smuggling their ‘speed-a-roni’ into Yokohama’s port. Yakuza boss Papilon, fearing for his business, wants to stop them from entering, and so do the Japanese cops: Reiji works for both as an undercover agent. All these complications this give cult director Miike a playground for crazed subplots.  At times fooling us into thinking it’s an ordinary action thriller, The Mole Song: Final is a cocktail that smashes together slapstick comedy, farcical fantasy and puppet animation, with Reiji – played again by the energetic and engaging Ikuta Toma - always at the centre of the tornado that just keeps on spinning.


《鼹鼠之歌完结篇》是三池崇史于2021拍摄的一部经典电影。此片开创中国剧情片当代电影的先河,《鼹鼠之歌完结篇》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时生田斗真,堤真一,仲里依纱,吹越满,远藤宪一,皆川猿时,岩城滉一,菜菜绪,冈村隆史,铃木亮平,泷泽凯伦 Karen Takizawa均为最佳主角,生田斗真,堤真一,仲里依纱,吹越满,远藤宪一,皆川猿时,岩城滉一,菜菜绪,冈村隆史,铃木亮平,泷泽凯伦 Karen Takizawa以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在中国剧情片影坛地位。生田斗真,堤真一,仲里依纱,吹越满,远藤宪一,皆川猿时,岩城滉一,菜菜绪,冈村隆史,铃木亮平,泷泽凯伦 Karen Takizawa饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。三池崇史之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《鼹鼠之歌完结篇》却奠定三池崇史电影风格。《鼹鼠之歌完结篇》首映时曾获海外剧情片和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀剧情片齐名。



  Nipple-targeting seagulls. Old men rapping in a bathhouse. Drugs smuggled as Italian pasta. Welcome back to The Mole Song’s world. The third and final part of this series of manga adaptations, by IFFR regular Miike Takashi, is once again loaded with delicious madness.  Following Undercover Agent Reiji (IFFR 2014) and Hong Kong Capriccio (IFFR 2017), this time the enemy are Italian mafia smuggling their ‘speed-a-roni’ into Yokohama’s port. Yakuza boss Papilon, fearing for his business, wants to stop them from entering, and so do the Japanese cops: Reiji works for both as an undercover agent. All these complications this give cult director Miike a playground for crazed subplots.  At times fooling us into thinking it’s an ordinary action thriller, The Mole Song: Final is a cocktail that smashes together slapstick comedy, farcical fantasy and puppet animation, with Reiji – played again by the energetic and engaging Ikuta Toma - always at the centre of the tornado that just keeps on spinning.


《鼹鼠之歌完结篇》是一部剧情片电影,由导演:三池崇史执导,主演:生田斗真,堤真一,仲里依纱,吹越满,远藤宪一,皆川猿时,岩城滉一,菜菜绪,冈村隆史,铃木亮平,泷泽凯伦 Karen Takizawa,

  Nipple-targeting seagulls. Old men rapping in a bathhouse. Drugs smuggled as Italian pasta. Welcome back to The Mole Song’s world. The third and final part of this series of manga adaptations, by IFFR regular Miike Takashi, is once again loaded with delicious madness.  Following Undercover Agent Reiji (IFFR 2014) and Hong Kong Capriccio (IFFR 2017), this time the enemy are Italian mafia smuggling their ‘speed-a-roni’ into Yokohama’s port. Yakuza boss Papilon, fearing for his business, wants to stop them from entering, and so do the Japanese cops: Reiji works for both as an undercover agent. All these complications this give cult director Miike a playground for crazed subplots.  At times fooling us into thinking it’s an ordinary action thriller, The Mole Song: Final is a cocktail that smashes together slapstick comedy, farcical fantasy and puppet animation, with Reiji – played again by the energetic and engaging Ikuta Toma - always at the centre of the tornado that just keeps on spinning.






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