



  • 片名:人类面对大数据
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:Lexie Butler/Lisa Coronado/Miles Dewar/Chris Grounds/Jolee Kim/
  • 导演:Sandy Smolan/
  • 年份:2014
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:记录/纪录/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-07-06 09:50
  • 简介:  With the rapid emergence of digital devices, an unstoppable, invisible force is changing human lives in ways from the microscopic to the gargantuan: Big Data, a word that was barely used a few years ago but now governs the day for many of us from the moment we awaken to the extinguishing of the final late-evening light bulb. This massive gathering and analyzing of data in real time is allowing us to not only address some of humanity biggest challenges but is also helping create a new kind of planetary nervous system. Yet as Edward Snowden and the release of the Prism documents have shown, the accessibility of all these data comes at a steep price. The Human Face of Big Data captures the promise and peril of this extraordinary knowledge revolution.
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导演:Sandy Smolan

演员:Lexie Butler,Lisa Coronado,Miles Dewar,Chris Grounds,Jolee Kim

更新时间:2023-07-06 09:50




  With the rapid emergence of digital devices, an unstoppable, invisible force is changing human lives in ways from the microscopic to the gargantuan: Big Data, a word that was barely used a few years ago but now governs the day for many of us from the moment we awaken to the extinguishing of the final late-evening light bulb. This massive gathering and analyzing of data in real time is allowing us to not only address some of humanity biggest challenges but is also helping create a new kind of planetary nervous system. Yet as Edward Snowden and the release of the Prism documents have shown, the accessibility of all these data comes at a steep price. The Human Face of Big Data captures the promise and peril of this extraordinary knowledge revolution.


《人类面对大数据》是Sandy Smolan于2014拍摄的一部经典电影。此片开创中国纪录片当代电影的先河,《人类面对大数据》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时Lexie Butler,Lisa Coronado,Miles Dewar,Chris Grounds,Jolee Kim均为最佳主角,Lexie Butler,Lisa Coronado,Miles Dewar,Chris Grounds,Jolee Kim以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在中国纪录片影坛地位。Lexie Butler,Lisa Coronado,Miles Dewar,Chris Grounds,Jolee Kim饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。Sandy Smolan之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《人类面对大数据》却奠定Sandy Smolan电影风格。《人类面对大数据》首映时曾获海外纪录片和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀纪录片齐名。

被称为纪录片的开先河之作的《人类面对大数据》,是Sandy Smolan最好的作品吗?


  With the rapid emergence of digital devices, an unstoppable, invisible force is changing human lives in ways from the microscopic to the gargantuan: Big Data, a word that was barely used a few years ago but now governs the day for many of us from the moment we awaken to the extinguishing of the final late-evening light bulb. This massive gathering and analyzing of data in real time is allowing us to not only address some of humanity biggest challenges but is also helping create a new kind of planetary nervous system. Yet as Edward Snowden and the release of the Prism documents have shown, the accessibility of all these data comes at a steep price. The Human Face of Big Data captures the promise and peril of this extraordinary knowledge revolution.


《人类面对大数据》是一部纪录片电影,由导演:Sandy Smolan执导,主演:Lexie Butler,Lisa Coronado,Miles Dewar,Chris Grounds,Jolee Kim,

  With the rapid emergence of digital devices, an unstoppable, invisible force is changing human lives in ways from the microscopic to the gargantuan: Big Data, a word that was barely used a few years ago but now governs the day for many of us from the moment we awaken to the extinguishing of the final late-evening light bulb. This massive gathering and analyzing of data in real time is allowing us to not only address some of humanity biggest challenges but is also helping create a new kind of planetary nervous system. Yet as Edward Snowden and the release of the Prism documents have shown, the accessibility of all these data comes at a steep price. The Human Face of Big Data captures the promise and peril of this extraordinary knowledge revolution.




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