


  • 片名:打架高手
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:托维诺·托马斯/卡尔娅妮·普瑞娅妲珊/Shine Tom Chacko/
  • 导演:Khalid Rahman/
  • 年份:2022
  • 地区:印度
  • 类型:喜剧/动作/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2022-08-12
  • 语言:其它
  • 更新:2023-07-05 15:57
  • 简介:Thallumaala revolves around a series of fights in the life of a young man named Wazim, Among these fights, the one that ends up topping the list is the massive fight that breaks out on his wedding day, which transforms Wazim into Manavalan Wazim, the internet sensation he is today. The fact that his bride was Beepaathu, an even bigger internet celebrity, only makes things worse. The Police S.I, Regi Mathew, who now believes his only shot at redemption and going back to normal is through a fist fight to the end with Wazim. As both men gear up for the final brawl, Wazim must also fight the fight of winning back the heart of his lost love and once bride, Beepaathu.
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导演:Khalid Rahman

演员:托维诺·托马斯,卡尔娅妮·普瑞娅妲珊,Shine Tom Chacko

更新时间:2023-07-05 15:57




Thallumaala revolves around a series of fights in the life of a young man named Wazim, Among these fights, the one that ends up topping the list is the massive fight that breaks out on his wedding day, which transforms Wazim into Manavalan Wazim, the internet sensation he is today. The fact that his bride was Beepaathu, an even bigger internet celebrity, only makes things worse. The Police S.I, Regi Mathew, who now believes his only shot at redemption and going back to normal is through a fist fight to the end with Wazim. As both men gear up for the final brawl, Wazim must also fight the fight of winning back the heart of his lost love and once bride, Beepaathu.


《打架高手》是Khalid Rahman于2022拍摄的一部经典电影。此片开创中国喜剧片当代电影的先河,《打架高手》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时托维诺·托马斯,卡尔娅妮·普瑞娅妲珊,Shine Tom Chacko均为最佳主角,托维诺·托马斯,卡尔娅妮·普瑞娅妲珊,Shine Tom Chacko以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在中国喜剧片影坛地位。托维诺·托马斯,卡尔娅妮·普瑞娅妲珊,Shine Tom Chacko饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。Khalid Rahman之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《打架高手》却奠定Khalid Rahman电影风格。《打架高手》首映时曾获海外喜剧片和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀喜剧片齐名。

被称为喜剧片的开先河之作的《打架高手》,是Khalid Rahman最好的作品吗?


Thallumaala revolves around a series of fights in the life of a young man named Wazim, Among these fights, the one that ends up topping the list is the massive fight that breaks out on his wedding day, which transforms Wazim into Manavalan Wazim, the internet sensation he is today. The fact that his bride was Beepaathu, an even bigger internet celebrity, only makes things worse. The Police S.I, Regi Mathew, who now believes his only shot at redemption and going back to normal is through a fist fight to the end with Wazim. As both men gear up for the final brawl, Wazim must also fight the fight of winning back the heart of his lost love and once bride, Beepaathu.


《打架高手》是一部喜剧片电影,由导演:Khalid Rahman执导,主演:托维诺·托马斯,卡尔娅妮·普瑞娅妲珊,Shine Tom Chacko,

Thallumaala revolves around a series of fights in the life of a young man named Wazim, Among these fights, the one that ends up topping the list is the massive fight that breaks out on his wedding day, which transforms Wazim into Manavalan Wazim, the internet sensation he is today. The fact that his bride was Beepaathu, an even bigger internet celebrity, only makes things worse. The Police S.I, Regi Mathew, who now believes his only shot at redemption and going back to normal is through a fist fight to the end with Wazim. As both men gear up for the final brawl, Wazim must also fight the fight of winning back the heart of his lost love and once bride, Beepaathu.






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