



  • 片名:四十支枪
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克/巴瑞·萨里万/吉恩·巴瑞/Robert Dix/迪恩·贾格尔/约翰·埃里克森/Hank Worden/
  • 导演:塞缪尔·富勒/
  • 年份:1957
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:剧情/西部/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:1957-09-10
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-07-06 19:36
  • 简介:Griff Bonnell (Sullivan) and his brothers arrive in a small, Arizona town. He is a U.S. Marshal looking to arrest Howard Swain (Chuck Roberson), coincidentally one of landowner Jessica Drummond’s (Stanwyck) 40 guns. The town is being terrorized and trashed by Brockie and his boys. He’s an arrogant drunk and bully but when he shoots an old buddy of Griff’s, he and his brothers intervene.  Griff strides purposefully towards the action, unconcerned at the mayhem going on. Brockie’s buddies recognize the lawman and flee but the drunk Brockie doesn’t know or care. Fuller cuts back and forth between a close-up of Griff’s eyes and Brockie’s gun repeatedly until the climax when Griff finally reaches Rocky and knocks him unconscious with a punch. Griff and Jessica inevitably cross paths and their relationship starts off as antagonistic but eventually blossoms into a romance.
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演员:芭芭拉·斯坦威克,巴瑞·萨里万,吉恩·巴瑞,Robert Dix,迪恩·贾格尔,约翰·埃里克森,Hank Worden

更新时间:2023-07-06 19:36




Griff Bonnell (Sullivan) and his brothers arrive in a small, Arizona town. He is a U.S. Marshal looking to arrest Howard Swain (Chuck Roberson), coincidentally one of landowner Jessica Drummond’s (Stanwyck) 40 guns. The town is being terrorized and trashed by Brockie and his boys. He’s an arrogant drunk and bully but when he shoots an old buddy of Griff’s, he and his brothers intervene.  Griff strides purposefully towards the action, unconcerned at the mayhem going on. Brockie’s buddies recognize the lawman and flee but the drunk Brockie doesn’t know or care. Fuller cuts back and forth between a close-up of Griff’s eyes and Brockie’s gun repeatedly until the climax when Griff finally reaches Rocky and knocks him unconscious with a punch. Griff and Jessica inevitably cross paths and their relationship starts off as antagonistic but eventually blossoms into a romance.


《四十支枪》是塞缪尔·富勒于1957拍摄的一部经典电影。此片开创中国剧情片当代电影的先河,《四十支枪》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时芭芭拉·斯坦威克,巴瑞·萨里万,吉恩·巴瑞,Robert Dix,迪恩·贾格尔,约翰·埃里克森,Hank Worden均为最佳主角,芭芭拉·斯坦威克,巴瑞·萨里万,吉恩·巴瑞,Robert Dix,迪恩·贾格尔,约翰·埃里克森,Hank Worden以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在中国剧情片影坛地位。芭芭拉·斯坦威克,巴瑞·萨里万,吉恩·巴瑞,Robert Dix,迪恩·贾格尔,约翰·埃里克森,Hank Worden饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。塞缪尔·富勒之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《四十支枪》却奠定塞缪尔·富勒电影风格。《四十支枪》首映时曾获海外剧情片和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀剧情片齐名。



Griff Bonnell (Sullivan) and his brothers arrive in a small, Arizona town. He is a U.S. Marshal looking to arrest Howard Swain (Chuck Roberson), coincidentally one of landowner Jessica Drummond’s (Stanwyck) 40 guns. The town is being terrorized and trashed by Brockie and his boys. He’s an arrogant drunk and bully but when he shoots an old buddy of Griff’s, he and his brothers intervene.  Griff strides purposefully towards the action, unconcerned at the mayhem going on. Brockie’s buddies recognize the lawman and flee but the drunk Brockie doesn’t know or care. Fuller cuts back and forth between a close-up of Griff’s eyes and Brockie’s gun repeatedly until the climax when Griff finally reaches Rocky and knocks him unconscious with a punch. Griff and Jessica inevitably cross paths and their relationship starts off as antagonistic but eventually blossoms into a romance.


《四十支枪》是一部剧情片电影,由导演:塞缪尔·富勒执导,主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克,巴瑞·萨里万,吉恩·巴瑞,Robert Dix,迪恩·贾格尔,约翰·埃里克森,Hank Worden,

Griff Bonnell (Sullivan) and his brothers arrive in a small, Arizona town. He is a U.S. Marshal looking to arrest Howard Swain (Chuck Roberson), coincidentally one of landowner Jessica Drummond’s (Stanwyck) 40 guns. The town is being terrorized and trashed by Brockie and his boys. He’s an arrogant drunk and bully but when he shoots an old buddy of Griff’s, he and his brothers intervene.  Griff strides purposefully towards the action, unconcerned at the mayhem going on. Brockie’s buddies recognize the lawman and flee but the drunk Brockie doesn’t know or care. Fuller cuts back and forth between a close-up of Griff’s eyes and Brockie’s gun repeatedly until the climax when Griff finally reaches Rocky and knocks him unconscious with a punch. Griff and Jessica inevitably cross paths and their relationship starts off as antagonistic but eventually blossoms into a romance.






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