

The Schoolmaster Games


  • 片名:校监游戏
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:Johan Ehn/Simon Kling/Johan Charles/Nino Forss/Joel Valois/克里斯蒂安·阿诺德/Jani Blom/阿文·卡纳尼安/Jonas C Wahlström/Oliver Andersson/Elis Monteverde Burrau/Viktor Flarkell/Erik Dahlin/Lars Fagernäs/Aleksandar Gajic/
  • 导演:伊尔瓦·福纳/
  • 年份:2022
  • 地区:其它
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2022-01-29
  • 语言:其它
  • 更新:2023-07-06 09:28
  • 简介:High school intrigues and pulsating eroticism at a boarding school where it’s straight to be queer, in a stylistically impeccable film adaptation of Kristofer Folkhammar’s successful novel.  The school year at St. Sebastian has just started and a group of friends expectantly drop into the school area that is exclusively populated by queer guys. The much-desired Charles enters into secret sexual power games orchestrated by the strict school master, who is tortured by memories from a time long before the erotic acceptance that prevails at the boarding school. When the competition for admissions to the prestigious singing event harden, friendships crack and the utopian existence begins to fall apart piece by piece. Based on Kristofer Folkhammar’s novel of the same name, inspired by high school films and gay porn, The Schoolmaster Games illustrates a world where sexuality is free, but power games simmer beneath the surface.
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演员:Johan Ehn,Simon Kling,Johan Charles,Nino Forss,Joel Valois,克里斯蒂安·阿诺德,Jani Blom,阿文·卡纳尼安,Jonas C Wahlström,Oliver Andersson,Elis Monteverde Burrau,Viktor Flarkell,Erik Dahlin,Lars Fagernäs,Aleksandar Gajic

更新时间:2023-07-06 09:28




High school intrigues and pulsating eroticism at a boarding school where it’s straight to be queer, in a stylistically impeccable film adaptation of Kristofer Folkhammar’s successful novel.  The school year at St. Sebastian has just started and a group of friends expectantly drop into the school area that is exclusively populated by queer guys. The much-desired Charles enters into secret sexual power games orchestrated by the strict school master, who is tortured by memories from a time long before the erotic acceptance that prevails at the boarding school. When the competition for admissions to the prestigious singing event harden, friendships crack and the utopian existence begins to fall apart piece by piece. Based on Kristofer Folkhammar’s novel of the same name, inspired by high school films and gay porn, The Schoolmaster Games illustrates a world where sexuality is free, but power games simmer beneath the surface.


《校监游戏》是伊尔瓦·福纳于2022拍摄的一部经典电影。此片开创中国剧情片当代电影的先河,《校监游戏》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时Johan Ehn,Simon Kling,Johan Charles,Nino Forss,Joel Valois,克里斯蒂安·阿诺德,Jani Blom,阿文·卡纳尼安,Jonas C Wahlström,Oliver Andersson,Elis Monteverde Burrau,Viktor Flarkell,Erik Dahlin,Lars Fagernäs,Aleksandar Gajic均为最佳主角,Johan Ehn,Simon Kling,Johan Charles,Nino Forss,Joel Valois,克里斯蒂安·阿诺德,Jani Blom,阿文·卡纳尼安,Jonas C Wahlström,Oliver Andersson,Elis Monteverde Burrau,Viktor Flarkell,Erik Dahlin,Lars Fagernäs,Aleksandar Gajic以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在中国剧情片影坛地位。Johan Ehn,Simon Kling,Johan Charles,Nino Forss,Joel Valois,克里斯蒂安·阿诺德,Jani Blom,阿文·卡纳尼安,Jonas C Wahlström,Oliver Andersson,Elis Monteverde Burrau,Viktor Flarkell,Erik Dahlin,Lars Fagernäs,Aleksandar Gajic饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。伊尔瓦·福纳之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《校监游戏》却奠定伊尔瓦·福纳电影风格。《校监游戏》首映时曾获海外剧情片和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀剧情片齐名。



High school intrigues and pulsating eroticism at a boarding school where it’s straight to be queer, in a stylistically impeccable film adaptation of Kristofer Folkhammar’s successful novel.  The school year at St. Sebastian has just started and a group of friends expectantly drop into the school area that is exclusively populated by queer guys. The much-desired Charles enters into secret sexual power games orchestrated by the strict school master, who is tortured by memories from a time long before the erotic acceptance that prevails at the boarding school. When the competition for admissions to the prestigious singing event harden, friendships crack and the utopian existence begins to fall apart piece by piece. Based on Kristofer Folkhammar’s novel of the same name, inspired by high school films and gay porn, The Schoolmaster Games illustrates a world where sexuality is free, but power games simmer beneath the surface.


《校监游戏》是一部剧情片电影,由导演:伊尔瓦·福纳执导,主演:Johan Ehn,Simon Kling,Johan Charles,Nino Forss,Joel Valois,克里斯蒂安·阿诺德,Jani Blom,阿文·卡纳尼安,Jonas C Wahlström,Oliver Andersson,Elis Monteverde Burrau,Viktor Flarkell,Erik Dahlin,Lars Fagernäs,Aleksandar Gajic,

High school intrigues and pulsating eroticism at a boarding school where it’s straight to be queer, in a stylistically impeccable film adaptation of Kristofer Folkhammar’s successful novel.  The school year at St. Sebastian has just started and a group of friends expectantly drop into the school area that is exclusively populated by queer guys. The much-desired Charles enters into secret sexual power games orchestrated by the strict school master, who is tortured by memories from a time long before the erotic acceptance that prevails at the boarding school. When the competition for admissions to the prestigious singing event harden, friendships crack and the utopian existence begins to fall apart piece by piece. Based on Kristofer Folkhammar’s novel of the same name, inspired by high school films and gay porn, The Schoolmaster Games illustrates a world where sexuality is free, but power games simmer beneath the surface.






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