


  • 片名:飞碟入侵地球
  • 状态:DVD
  • 主演:Hugh Marlowe/Joan Taylor/Donald Curtis/
  • 导演:Fred F. Sears/
  • 年份:1956
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:科幻/恐怖/奇幻/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:1956-08-01
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-07-06 16:35
  • 简介:While driving through the desert with his wife Carol Marvin to a military base to send the eleventh rocket to the orbit of Earth for helping the exploration of the outer space in the Operation Sky Hook, Dr. Russell A. Marvin and Carol see a flying saucer and accidentally records a message in their tape recorder. Once in the base, Dr. Russell is informed by his father-in-law and general that the ten first satellites had mysteriously felt on Earth. When Dr. Russell decodes the message, he encounters the aliens that ask him to schedule a meeting with the leaders of Earth in Washington in 56 days with the intention to invade Earth without panicking the population. Dr. Russell develops an anti-magnetic weapon that becomes that last hope of human race against the hostile aliens.
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导演:Fred F. Sears

演员:Hugh Marlowe,Joan Taylor,Donald Curtis

更新时间:2023-07-06 16:35




While driving through the desert with his wife Carol Marvin to a military base to send the eleventh rocket to the orbit of Earth for helping the exploration of the outer space in the Operation Sky Hook, Dr. Russell A. Marvin and Carol see a flying saucer and accidentally records a message in their tape recorder. Once in the base, Dr. Russell is informed by his father-in-law and general that the ten first satellites had mysteriously felt on Earth. When Dr. Russell decodes the message, he encounters the aliens that ask him to schedule a meeting with the leaders of Earth in Washington in 56 days with the intention to invade Earth without panicking the population. Dr. Russell develops an anti-magnetic weapon that becomes that last hope of human race against the hostile aliens.


《飞碟入侵地球》是Fred F. Sears于1956拍摄的一部经典电影。此片开创中国恐怖片当代电影的先河,《飞碟入侵地球》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时Hugh Marlowe,Joan Taylor,Donald Curtis均为最佳主角,Hugh Marlowe,Joan Taylor,Donald Curtis以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在中国恐怖片影坛地位。Hugh Marlowe,Joan Taylor,Donald Curtis饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。Fred F. Sears之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《飞碟入侵地球》却奠定Fred F. Sears电影风格。《飞碟入侵地球》首映时曾获海外恐怖片和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀恐怖片齐名。

被称为恐怖片的开先河之作的《飞碟入侵地球》,是Fred F. Sears最好的作品吗?


While driving through the desert with his wife Carol Marvin to a military base to send the eleventh rocket to the orbit of Earth for helping the exploration of the outer space in the Operation Sky Hook, Dr. Russell A. Marvin and Carol see a flying saucer and accidentally records a message in their tape recorder. Once in the base, Dr. Russell is informed by his father-in-law and general that the ten first satellites had mysteriously felt on Earth. When Dr. Russell decodes the message, he encounters the aliens that ask him to schedule a meeting with the leaders of Earth in Washington in 56 days with the intention to invade Earth without panicking the population. Dr. Russell develops an anti-magnetic weapon that becomes that last hope of human race against the hostile aliens.


《飞碟入侵地球》是一部恐怖片电影,由导演:Fred F. Sears执导,主演:Hugh Marlowe,Joan Taylor,Donald Curtis,

While driving through the desert with his wife Carol Marvin to a military base to send the eleventh rocket to the orbit of Earth for helping the exploration of the outer space in the Operation Sky Hook, Dr. Russell A. Marvin and Carol see a flying saucer and accidentally records a message in their tape recorder. Once in the base, Dr. Russell is informed by his father-in-law and general that the ten first satellites had mysteriously felt on Earth. When Dr. Russell decodes the message, he encounters the aliens that ask him to schedule a meeting with the leaders of Earth in Washington in 56 days with the intention to invade Earth without panicking the population. Dr. Russell develops an anti-magnetic weapon that becomes that last hope of human race against the hostile aliens.




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